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Driving Customer Wallet Share

  • Outcomes

Based on the assessment done opportunities were identified for knowledge and service-based offering as opposed to the earlier product-based offering.

Completely new business lines and revenue streams were defined.

These initiatives saw a 25% increase in overall revenue, most of these revenues being contributed by existing customers.

  • Industry

Manufacturing and infrastructure; global leader in factory & industrial infrastructure, B2B.

  • Problem

To enhance revenue from cross-selling opportunities to a B2B market.

  • Tools

Customer centric culture assessment

Terragni experience grid

Terragni experience assessment

Driving Faster New Product Adoption

  • Outcomes

The barriers to engagement and usage of the new product were identified including the product features and the customer journey.

The perceptions of “Perceived Effort” were identified.

Motivation was designed for adoption.

The new product saw sales doubling in an 18-month period.

  • Industry 

Manufacturing engineering; German multinational, B2B & B2B2B.

  • Problem 

India is a price-sensitive market the company was losing market to cheaper local rivals. In order to counter this, the company customized an India specific range. The challenge was driving adoption and engagement for this range.

  • Tools 

Quantitative, qualitative & neuroscience research.

Customer journey mapping

Experience score

Experiential grid


Channel Design For Driving Step Growth

  • Outcomes

Using the Terragni channel assessment model, identified the top 15% of high potential channel partners.

A specific program of product launches, communication, revenue share, cash flow support was created for this high potential target of dealers.

Redesigned the loyalty program for all channel partners.

  • Industry 

Electrical & home products; world leader European International, B2B2C.

  • Problem 

Redesigning the channel to deliver 3X growth.


  • Tools 

Friction (effort assessment)

Neuroscience research

Experiential segmentation

Channel assessment model

Driving Channel Wallet Share

  • Outcomes

Eliminating points of friction in the dealer journey.

Redefining communication strategy with the channel.

Redesigning the loyalty program for the channel.

  • Industry 

Consumer & white goods; one of the top 5 consumer good companies, B2B & B2B2C.

  • Problem 

Due to decreasing engagement with the brand, channel partners were shifting to the competition. This led to the slowing down of new opportunities and revenue growth from the existing dealer network.

  • Tools 

Effort assessment

Experiential segmentation


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