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Solving Complex Human Engagement Challenges
Insights – Unbiased. Contextual. Focused
An “out-of-the box” multilingual neuroscience powered research platform
Solving Complex Human Engagement Challenges
Solving Complex Human Engagement Challenges
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A deep understanding of why people do what they do, pays rich dividends in crafting customer engagement and behaviour shift strategies. This deep insight spans

  • Understanding the emotions and perceptions that motivate customer actions
  • Experiences that lead to the above emotions and perceptions

This necessarily requires getting an accurate insight into  the consumers’ non-conscious responses. As it’s the non-conscious responses that drive the emotions and perceptions and thus the behaviour.
Lens, our purpose built solution, seamlessly combines neuroscience based non-conscious insight methodologies with phenomenological qualitative insight techniques and statistical, quantitative data modelling techniques
This well-triangulated methodology gives us deep and near accurate understanding of the emotions and perceptions that drive customer behaviours.

This knowledge then helps design specific and targeted customer engagement initiatives that drive measurable business outcomes for our clients


Neuroscience techniques provide insight into consumer decisions and actions that are invisible to traditional research methodologies. When the brain processes stimuli, many neurological and physiological events occur, in the non-conscious realm, which significantly & decidedly impact conscious responses & behaviours.
We use a range of non-conscious tools such as IAT, EEG, Eye Tracking and FMRI to elicit deep, non-conscious insights from consumers and customers.

Lens insights have driven solutions that delivered business outcomes for our clients.

Qualitative Analysis

What creates the desire to consume or reject?
What causes customers to evangelize a product or brand?
Seeking the answers, means garnering deep insights in two areas from the target customer/consumer.

The context in which the consumer /customer is operating in, the life goals, aspirations, the fears.
The emotional motivations of the consumer. Deep seated emotional needs, the emotional forces that drive the behavior of these consumers, those that motivate customers in any one direction.

Our insights are designed to focus and uncover on both these dimensions, the context and the emotional drivers of customers, potential customers and non-customers.

Lens insights have driven solutions that delivered business outcomes for our clients.

Quantitative Analysis

Our unique expertise in utilizing advanced statistical modelling for quantitative data in tandem with behavioural & anecdotal qualitative information allows us to uncover for you, your customers’ ‘Job-to-be-done’, providing a key insight for lasting engagement & disruptive innovation.

Lens insights have driven solutions that delivered business outcomes for our clients .


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